Olivier Tremblay-Venneri
Olivier was born and raised in Orléans. As a young francophone, Olivier dedicated most of his time to francophone causes in high school. As a Board member, he strives to provide guidance to the Centre, particularly on youth and francophone issues of Orléans-Cumberland.

Olivier works as a Legislative Assistant for a Member of Parliament. He graduated from the University of Ottawa in International Studies and Modern Languages with a minor in Communications.

He is delighted to serve his community in this new role and looks forward to advancing the causes dear to his heart while learning more about the community.

Patrick Delorme

Patrick has over 20 years of experience in public health and community development.

He is passionate about the social determinants of health and the development of social and community programs that have an approach based on equity and inclusion. Patrick has worked for the United Nations (UNICEF) and other international organizations in the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. He has extensive experience in health promotion, management and implementation of health and socio-community programs, grant management, monitoring and evaluation.

Arriving in Canada in 2011, he worked in turn for Reflet Salvéo, the French language health planning entity in the Toronto area, Nexus Santé, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, where he was first program manager and then director of community investments in the management of grants. Since July 2021, he has joined the federal government and has worked at the Public Health Agency of Canada.
On the Board of Directors, Patrick is committed to bringing not only an international perspective but also to helping to ensure that the values of equity, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of the discussions.
Benoit Goulet

Benoit has been living in Orléans since 2010. He now lives there with his family and young children. It was through the Early ON program that he got to know the OCCRC.

Benoit has over 12 years of experience in scientific research and project management in the federal government. Additionally, he has a lot of experience planning fundraising events for non-profit organizations.

“I wanted to get involved with the OCCRC to continue the organization’s exemplary work in my community and to help my neighbors.”

Sandra Boisvert

Sandra has resided in Orleans for almost a decade. 

She is a learning and development specialist and has a keen interest in corporate social responsibility.  Sandra has over ten years of experience working in government relations, stakeholder relations, and policy development in the nonprofit and postsecondary education sectors. 

She has a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Modern Languages from the University of Ottawa and a Master’s degree in Conflict Studies from Saint Paul University.

As a Board member, Sandra looks forward to giving back to her community.

Marilyn Saumure, CPA

Marilyn has a wealth of accounting experience that she has gained over the years as an external auditor and continues to enrich her current position. Currently responsible for financial management at the Institut du savoir Montfort, she is very familiar with the Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations and the tax requirements for charities. She is also skilled with the budget process and financial analysis.

She has always been passionate about helping others around her and sharing her knowledge with them. In addition, over the years she has developed a particular interest in exchanging with children and the elderly.

Yvette Ashiri

A leader of action and vision toward positive change, Yvette Ashiri is recognized for her impeccable community-building expertise, her advocacy and her commitment to causes for social justice, equality, empowerment, and the advancement of the status of women and girls. With 17 years of experience in the not-for-profit sector, she has held leadership roles in diverse fields, improving human conditions.

Her leadership experience includes promoting youth leadership, active citizenship, education, equality in health care, access to public services, crime prevention, anti-racism, and a society without violence for all.

Guided by the principles of ‘’Ubuntu’’, Yvette is dedicated to making life better for everyone. She believes that it only takes one person to change someone’s life positively, and you can be that one person.

Yvette lives, in Orléans, with her spouse and two daughters.

As a public servant, Yvette is committed to the development of talents, opportunities, and the delivery of services to all Canadians, especially the underserved communities.

André Bléoo

Born and raised in Ottawa, André spent his 30-year teaching career in Kapuskasing and North Bay. Upon retirement, André returned to Ottawa and kept busy with several activities: helping create school texts and teacher’s guidebooks for different publishers, working for the  Ministry of  Education on the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test, teaching part-time for over seven years at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ottawa and as a trainer/standardized patient for the past 23 years for the Standardized Patient Program of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. 

Besides being a member of the OCCRC board, André is also a member of the Patient-Partner Group for Montfort Hospital.

Zeina El Helou
Koreen Fahey
Musset Pierre-Jerome