Please note the Centre is closed between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m.
The Income Tax Clinic is located at 105-240 Centrum Blvd., Orléans, ON, K1E 3J4.
Yes, if you have an income that qualifies in the following chart and meet the criteria below.
Size of Family Unit | LICO 12 Months |
1 person | $35,000 |
2 people | $45,000 |
3 people | $47,500 |
4 people | $50,000 |
5 people | $52,500 |
6 people | $55,000 |
7 people | $57,500 |
More than 7 people | $57,500, plus $2,500 for each additional person |
- Family size includes an individual, or a couple, and their dependants.
- Have a principal residence in one of these postal codes: K1E, K4A, K4B, K4C, K0A
- Click here if you do not live in the catchment area.
Pre-register by calling
- 613-830-4357 ext. 310
- A copy of last year’s tax return (2023)
- Piece of ID
- Information slips:
- T4, T4A (OAS), T4A (P), T4RSP, TRRIF, T4E (EI Benefits)
- T5, T5007 (Workers Comp/Social Assistance)
- T2202 Education and Textbook Certificate
- T2201 Disability Tax Credit (DTC) Certificate
- Charitable donation receipts
- Information on rent or property taxes
- Medical expenses
- Daycare expenses
- Spouse/Partner’s info – SIN and income
- Dependent(s) information (e.g. date of birth)
- RRSP receipts
- Union dues paid
- Moving expenses
- Support payments
- Immigration status and date of entry into Canada
- Marital Status
- ** If you are new to Canada, prior years income in your previous country of residence is required for you and your spouse. Please note this amount must be calculated into Canadian dollars. **
- All income tax returns are prepared by a team of volunteers, with no in-person appointments.
- You must drop off your documents (see question 3).
- You will have your Income Tax returns done within 2-3 weeks.
- Reminder: the OCCRC Income Tax Clinic returns are done at no cost.