

The EarlyON Centre offers children, parents and caregivers a friendly environment that fosters positive learning with a wide range of quality programs and services to help your child reach their full potential, with:

  • Programs designed especially for children up to six years old

  • Play-based learning experiences that are fun and engaging – such as painting, drawing, building, creating, reading, storytelling, singing and much more

  • Advice from professionals trained in early childhood development

  • Information or referrals to specialized programs and services within the community

  • Opportunity to meet and make connections with families with young children

*Please note our morning drop-ins at our main Centre are first come, first serve with a maximum of 35 people.


Dear families and caregivers,

We are thrilled to announce new changes in our programming.

Starting with our Baby & Me playgroup, we will now start at 1:00 p.m. and end at 2:30 p.m. With this change, numbers will only be given out at 1 p.m. since reception is closed from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Also, due to renovations, we will be temporarily closing our Playgroup at the Navan Arena. Our Wednesday playgroup will be in the R.J. Kennedy Arena in Cumberland.

Furthermore, we are excited to share that, based on the needs observed, we have made a few changes to our current playgroups.

We will transform the Thursday and Friday playgroups into adapted bilingual playgroups. On Thursdays, we will now have an Active Playgroup. Therefore, this will allow your child to release their energy for a full hour and a half. 

Our second new addition is a Sensory Friendly Playgroup. This playgroup is for families with children under the age of 6 with particular needs (diagnosis not needed). Please note this playgroup is for families who have children with particular needs. Therefore, the ratio will be reduced from 35 to 25. If your child is neurotypical, please consider attending our other playgroups throughout the week.*

We are so excited to have two new bilingual playgroups added to our weekly program.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to talk to our Family Resource Workers.

On another note, we would like to give a special thank you to Bryanna, our placement student at Algonquin College. Her last day will be April 1st, and we wish her luck in all her future endeavours.

For this month, we have a couple of closures: 

  • Thursday, April 10th, closed for staff training.

  • April 18th to April 21st, meaning closed on Saturday, April 19th as well.

Lastly, join us in celebrating the special events and Holidays this month, starting with Autism Awareness Day on April 2nd. This day promotes and supports individuals with autism to spread all the amazing things they can do. Easter, celebrated in April, honours family gatherings, church services, and beloved traditions like egg hunts and festive meals. Finally, Earth Day on April 22nd encourages us all to protect our planet.

“Autism is not a disability, it’s a different ability.” –  Stuart Duncan

- Dominik, Zoée & Gabrielle


We ask you not to participate if you or your child have any flu/cold/gastro symptoms.

When the EarlyON playgroup is full, we will:

  • Have a sign in the window beside the front door.

  • Post a message on our Facebook page.

Our morning playgroups at our main location have a maximum capacity of 35 people.

Registration for special activities is required.

  • When registering, please enter the total number of guests (e.g. parent and child = 2 guests).

Online Registration is ONLY required for Special Activities and Virtual Programming


The EarlyON Centre provides a free Toy Lending Library service. Resources available for lending include toys, games, and puzzles for children under 6. We have a large variety of toys for all interests!

First Words is the Preschool Speech and Language Program of Ottawa and Renfrew County. We support families of preschool children of Ottawa and Renfrew County to reach their optimal communication development by providing free speech and language services. Our goal is to facilitate increased awareness, prevention, early identification, and intervention for early speech, language, and overall communication development in young children of Ottawa and Renfrew County.

*Subject to sudden change.


The Parenting in Ottawa drop-in will take place at the EarlyON centre on Thursdays from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  You can check your baby’s weight and ask any breastfeeding or parenting questions.  No appointment is necessary.

*Subject to sudden change.


Dominik Lavictoire

613 830-4357 ext. 303

Gabrielle Caron

613 830-4357 ext. 302

Zoée Perrault

613 830-4357 ext. 304